August 28, 2024
Daniel Foster
Next Gen Pastor
1 John 1:1-4
What was from the beginning, what we have heard, what we have seen with our eyes, what we have observed and have touched with our hands, concerning the word of life— 2 that life was revealed, and we have seen it and we testify and declare to you the eternal life that was with the Father and was revealed to us— 3 what we have seen and heard we also declare to you, so that you may also have fellowship with us; and indeed our fellowship is with the Father and with his Son, Jesus Christ. 4 We are writing these things[a] so that our[b] joy may be complete.
These verses are a clear and wonderful picture of how I felt getting to be a part of River Baptism this past Sunday. During worship Sunday morning, the Lord put on my heart that baptism is like getting to see a visible expression of the miracle life transformation! How special some of those moments were! And all uniquely special in their own way. “What we have seen and heard we declare to you” is a powerful reminder to tell those in our circle of influence about the miracles of transformation we got to witness. People declaring that just as Jesus went from death to life, they now have a NEW life in Christ. One of the speakers at a campus ministry when I was in college said one time “When you come to Jesus, he changes your “want to’s”.” The things we “wanted to do” before Christ we no longer have the same appetite for. There are new things, beautiful things, we have come to love and appreciate.
You talk about joy being complete? Seeing life transformation gives me more joy than anything this word could ever offer. Is your joy complete? How can you take part in what God is doing on this new day? Who can you be a witness to about the life changing relationship Jesus makes available to all who would believe?
Next Gen Pastor
1 John 1:1-4
What was from the beginning, what we have heard, what we have seen with our eyes, what we have observed and have touched with our hands, concerning the word of life— 2 that life was revealed, and we have seen it and we testify and declare to you the eternal life that was with the Father and was revealed to us— 3 what we have seen and heard we also declare to you, so that you may also have fellowship with us; and indeed our fellowship is with the Father and with his Son, Jesus Christ. 4 We are writing these things[a] so that our[b] joy may be complete.
These verses are a clear and wonderful picture of how I felt getting to be a part of River Baptism this past Sunday. During worship Sunday morning, the Lord put on my heart that baptism is like getting to see a visible expression of the miracle life transformation! How special some of those moments were! And all uniquely special in their own way. “What we have seen and heard we declare to you” is a powerful reminder to tell those in our circle of influence about the miracles of transformation we got to witness. People declaring that just as Jesus went from death to life, they now have a NEW life in Christ. One of the speakers at a campus ministry when I was in college said one time “When you come to Jesus, he changes your “want to’s”.” The things we “wanted to do” before Christ we no longer have the same appetite for. There are new things, beautiful things, we have come to love and appreciate.
You talk about joy being complete? Seeing life transformation gives me more joy than anything this word could ever offer. Is your joy complete? How can you take part in what God is doing on this new day? Who can you be a witness to about the life changing relationship Jesus makes available to all who would believe?
Posted in Daily Devos