September 20, 2024

Justin Tucker
LHC Worship Pastor
2 John 1:6
“This is love: that we walk according to his commands. This is the command as you have heard it from the beginning: that you walk in love.” 

John defines love as obedience to God’s commands, specifically the command to love others. Obeying God is not a rigid rule-following exercise; it’s a reflection of our relationship with Him. 

In our homes, it can be easy to let our guard down, especially with those closest to us. Yet this is where walking in love is most important. Be patient, forgiving, and attentive to your family members’ needs. Even in disagreements, show love by listening, seeking peace, and offering grace.

In the workplace, walking in love is demonstrated through how you treat your coworkers and handle your responsibilities. Avoid gossip and unnecessary conflict. Instead, be a source of encouragement, showing grace to others. Work with diligence, as if you are serving God, and let your actions speak of His love and excellence.

In school, you’ll face challenges such as peer pressure, competition, and the temptation to cut corners. Walking in love means treating everyone, your classmates and teachers alike, with kindness and respect. Uphold integrity in your schoolwork by doing your own work and refusing to engage in dishonest practices, showing that you honor God above the crowd.

Walking in love is how we live out this obedience daily. By keeping God’s command to love, we reflect His character in all we do, shining His light in every aspect of our lives.
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