October 25, 2024

Justin Tucker
LHBC Worship Pastor

Deuteronomy 7:9
Know therefore that the Lord your God is God, the faithful God who keeps covenant and steadfast love with those who love him and keep his commandments, to a thousand generations.
Most of us don’t look under the hood of our cars to check if our batteries are connected before we go to Wal-Mart. We don’t check the oil before we hop in to go to work. We don’t generally walk around and check the tire pressure every time we go out to dinner. We don’t rear end the car in front of us just to make sure that our seat belts and airbags are in proper working order. We get in our cars, we put on our seat belts, we turn the ignition, and we go on with our lives because we all have faith that our vehicles will work the way that they are intended to work. By the looks of some of our cars, mine included, some of us have way more faith than we should. At some point, our faith in our vehicles will be misplaced and we will have to take them to a mechanic to be repaired. 

When we put our faith in the things of this world, we will always be left disappointed. Isn’t it encouraging to know that when we place our faith and trust in God, we will never be let down? We can look all through the Bible and see the faithfulness of God all through it’s pages. Just looking through the Israelites leaving Egypt and entering the Promised Land, God proved his faithfulness time and time again. He freed them from captivity in Egypt, He rescued them from the Pharaoh’s army at the Red Sea when He parted the water, He led them through the wilderness with fire and smoke, He made clean water and provided sustenance in the form of manna and quail, He kept their shoes and clothes from wearing out, and He parted the waters of the Jordan River as His people invaded Canaan. God continued to be faithful throughout the  rest of the scriptures and He is still faithful to those who follow Him today. He is still faithful to those who cry out to him to be rescued. Hebrews 13:8 tells us “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.” and our God keeps His promises. 

If you have an addiction that is holding you captive today, He can free you. If you need rescue from toxic surroundings or relationships, He can make a way out. If you need provision, He can sustain you. If you need direction, He will be your guide. He doesn’t change! He was faithful to the Israelites and He will be faithful now...but you have to trust Him. You have to love Him and commit to Him. That relationship with you is what He most desires. Place your faith in Him and watch Him pour out His faithfulness in your life.

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