December 25, 2024


Matthew 1:23
“See, the virgin will become pregnant and give birth to a son, and they will name him Immanuel, which is translated “God is with us.”

Merry Christmas!  I hope and pray that today you are encouraged as we celebrate the birth of Jesus!  At Christmas, we often think about presents, decorations, and festive meals, but the heart of Christmas is much deeper. It's the celebration of God’s ultimate gift to humanity: the gift of His Son, Jesus Christ. In Matthew 1:23, we are reminded that Jesus came to earth with a profound purpose—He came as Immanuel, which means "God with us."

This phrase is more than just a name for Jesus; it's a declaration of God’s intimate involvement with His creation. The Creator of the universe chose to enter into the human story in a completely personal way. Jesus, born in a humble manger, was not just a historical figure or a great teacher. He was, and is, God Himself walking among us.

When Kirsten and I were dating, she took a year to go to China to teach English at a university there.  We were separated by half a world for an entire year.  Imagine you are separated from a loved one by distance. You may exchange messages, send gifts, and share your thoughts, but there’s a longing for something more. What if, instead of just sending a gift or writing a letter, this loved one decided to come to you, to be with you in person? Their physical presence would not only bring comfort, but also communicate something deeper—a genuine love and commitment that words alone could not convey.  

This is what God did for us at Christmas!  Rather than remaining distant or sending a proxy, He came to us. Jesus didn’t just visit our world from afar; He became one of us, taking on flesh and living among us. His presence among us isn’t just a reminder of God's love; it’s the manifestation of that love. Through Christ’s life, death, and resurrection, God showed us what true love looks like—self-sacrificial, unconditional, and personal.

At Christmas, we celebrate not just the birth of a child, but the arrival of God Himself in the person of Jesus. This is a gift far beyond anything we could have imagined or earned. God’s decision to be with us—Immanuel—means that we are never truly alone. No matter what struggles or joys we face, we have a Savior who understands and is present with us in every moment.

So this Christmas, as we reflect on the birth of Christ, let us remember that the true gift of Christmas is God’s presence with us. It is a presence that comforts, empowers, and transforms. It is the gift that keeps on giving—now and for all eternity.  Merry Christmas!
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