August 14, 2024
Daniel Foster
Next Gen Pastor
Daniel 6:10
10 When Daniel learned that the document had been signed, he went into his house. The windows in its upstairs room opened toward Jerusalem, and three times a day he got down on his knees, prayed, and gave thanks to his God, just as he had done before.
What part of this verse sticks out to you? So many things have stood out to me personally throughout the years. The most recent just so happens to be the open windows. It is one thing to believe something. It is another thing for that belief to become a conviction. Level 3 for me is that conviction being on display.
Daniel didn’t have to leave the window’s open to pray. Nor did he even have to look like he was praying by kneeling. Or praying at the same times he always did. If he was concerned about the law, there might have been ways for him to be more discrete and be safe from the punishment of the decree. But he didn’t. And God did something incredible through it, leading to the account we learn as a child about Daniel and the lion's den. As we read in the story, we see how God used that instance to gain favor with the king, and rid him of the enemies around him.
When we are eating out at a restaurant, or a ballgame, or a public place or setting, do we change how we pray? I know I have. When we are not in our usual routine, on vacation, on work trips, etc. do we practice the same convictions God has placed on our heart? I know I haven’t always. What does God want you to be consistent with? You and your family’s own “custom?” Let’s let this passage be a reminder for us to be on level 3 → Have a faith full of conviction, and be ok with it on display, if that is how God wants it.
Next Gen Pastor
Daniel 6:10
10 When Daniel learned that the document had been signed, he went into his house. The windows in its upstairs room opened toward Jerusalem, and three times a day he got down on his knees, prayed, and gave thanks to his God, just as he had done before.
What part of this verse sticks out to you? So many things have stood out to me personally throughout the years. The most recent just so happens to be the open windows. It is one thing to believe something. It is another thing for that belief to become a conviction. Level 3 for me is that conviction being on display.
Daniel didn’t have to leave the window’s open to pray. Nor did he even have to look like he was praying by kneeling. Or praying at the same times he always did. If he was concerned about the law, there might have been ways for him to be more discrete and be safe from the punishment of the decree. But he didn’t. And God did something incredible through it, leading to the account we learn as a child about Daniel and the lion's den. As we read in the story, we see how God used that instance to gain favor with the king, and rid him of the enemies around him.
When we are eating out at a restaurant, or a ballgame, or a public place or setting, do we change how we pray? I know I have. When we are not in our usual routine, on vacation, on work trips, etc. do we practice the same convictions God has placed on our heart? I know I haven’t always. What does God want you to be consistent with? You and your family’s own “custom?” Let’s let this passage be a reminder for us to be on level 3 → Have a faith full of conviction, and be ok with it on display, if that is how God wants it.