August 15, 2024

Andrew Thompson
Dunbar Cave, Campus Pastor

Psalm 1:1-2
How happy is the one who does not
walk in the advice of the wicked
or stand in the pathway with sinners
or sit in the company of mockers!
Instead, his delight is in the Lord’s instruction,
and he meditates on it day and night.

“They usually thrive best who meditate most.” -Thomas Watson

Thoughtful meditation is a lost art. We are pretty good at thinking haphazardly on whatever crosses our minds, but terrible at drilling down on the practice of meditation. I think part of the reason that we struggle in this area is we have misconceptions about what meditation is! Psalm 1 gives us some clarity on what Christian mediation should look like. The psalmist fills his mind with the Lord’s instruction (not empties his mind of everything as some imagine meditation to look like). This is the process of taking what we read in Scripture and allowing it to sit in our minds, shaping how we see the world and identifying how our lives should change in view of Scripture. Meditation goes beyond memorization or quick application. It helps us to let Scripture sink deeply into our minds, growing our understanding and love of God’s Word. 

As I write this devotion, I have been looking at the Ten Commandments, as we are starting our new series on them for the Fall. I have not been able to get this Psalm out of my mind as I consider the goodness of the Ten Commandments. I do not want to just read through them in order to preach about them on Sunday. I want the command that I am to have no other God before Him to ring in my ears as I go throughout my days. As busy as I may get in the coming weeks, I want to fill my mind with the Lord’s instruction. As I spend specific time praying and fasting, I want to make space to meditate deeply on God’s word. Many people who have done great things for the Kingdom of God emphasize the importance of meditation in their personal lives. Today I want to encourage you to try to latch on to some Scripture that you are going to meditate on, and pursue time throughout your day that you can do so. 

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