August 19, 2024

Derek Smith
Lead Pastor 

Numbers 2:1-2
The Lord spoke to Moses and Aaron: “The Israelites are to camp under their respective banners beside the flags of their ancestral families. They are to camp around the tent of meeting

When the Hebrew people set out from Mt Sinai God told them to build a tabernacle where He would dwell among them. The tabernacle was a portable tent that served as a sanctuary for the Ark of the Covenant and a place of worship and sacrifice. It was also known as the "tent of meeting" where God would meet with the people. Interestingly enough God told the people to construct the tent and set its location directly in the center of the camp. So, all the hustle and bustle of daily activity for the nation was in the shadow of the tabernacle. The smell of the burnt offerings and the sight of the priests carrying out the work enveloped the center of the community leaving the constant reminder that worship was to be the foundation of their existence. The tabernacle also had three parts that symbolized the three main parts of a person. First you would see the outer court which symbolized the body. Next you had the inner court which represented the soul. Lastly, you had the most holy place where only the Great High Priest could enter once per year to make atonement for the people of God. It was called the Holy of Holies where the Ark of the Covenant resided. This symbolized the spirit where we connect deeply with God. All of this reminded the people, and it reminds us today, that we are to love Jesus with all our body, soul, and spirit and that He is to be the very center of all we think, say, and do. So, what resides in the center of your life? If all the differing aspects of our lives are dwellings and the tabernacle represents God’s presence in your life, where have you placed Him? Is Christ at the very center of your thoughts, words, actions, and relationships, or have you placed the tabernacle of God on the outskirts of your life? Christ, His will and word, should be at the very center of our heart and mind daily. What is at the center of your life? What do your daily thoughts, words, and actions revolve around?
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