Megan Evans, LHBC Women’s Ministry Director

Philippians 4:4
“Always be full of joy in the Lord, I say it again-rejoice!” 

 If you are not full of joy, then what are you full of?  There are a lot of things in this world that pull for our attention and promise to fill us with happiness, but as Solomon would say, they are meaningless (Ecclesiastes 1:2). The stuff of this world doesn’t have lasting joy because its source is not in Christ.  

When our children were young, we lived in San Antonio which meant birthday parties our kids attended often included a piñata full of treats and surprises.  The birthday guests would squeal anxiously as they waited for a final strike that would send candies and toys spraying to the ground. We picked up the tradition quickly, and I was surprised to learn when I purchased a piñata for the first time, that it came empty.  We could fill it with absolutely anything that we wanted to spill out of it, then seal it up and wait for the fun to begin. But as fun as the piñata was, it never lasted very long. Once the papier-mâché was torn and the treats were claimed, the excitement was over and the kids moved on to the next entertainment.    

Sometimes we try to fill our self with treasures and entertainment of this world in hopes of finding happiness.  But unlike a piñata, we have the capacity to be filled with joy that never runs dry-Living Water from the source, Jesus Christ himself.  Why do we settle for less? Are you full of joy in the Lord today?  Joy is deeper than happiness, because joy is not based on feelings or circumstances.  It is the joy of living with Christ daily that makes the difference in our life and satisfies like no momentary thrill or temporary treat or trinket ever can.    

How do we become joyful? Joy comes from a consistent relationship with Christ, regardless of what we are going through.  Joy is not something we go out and find on our own-it begins with Jesus, and it’s evidence of God at work in us and is a byproduct of us imitating Christ.  Here are just a few examples:  

  •     Nehemiah 8:10        The joy of the LORD strengthens us
  •     Psalm 30:11             The LORD clothes us with joy
  •     Psalm 119:92           The LORD’s instruction sustains us with joy
  •     John 15:11               Jesus fills us with His joy, and that is a joy that overflows!
  •     Galatians 5:22          The Holy Spirit is at work in us to produce joy in our lives as we follow His lead.

 When we live in companionship with God, we begin to echo the words of David in Psalm 16:8-9, “I know the LORD is always with me.  I will not be shaken, for he is right beside me.  No wonder my heart is glad, and I rejoice. My body rests in safety.”  In Christ, we have His blessed assurance and unfailing love.  May we allow our joy spill out to others around us that it would point to the Lord, our source and never-ending supply.  


Dear Lord, thank you for filling me with your everlasting joy. Show me how to let this joy overflow to others.  May your joy strengthen and sustain me today regardless of what this day holds. Reveal to me areas of my life that I am trying to fill with things other than your joy. I rejoice in you today! In Jesus’ Name, Amen. 

Ephesians 4:29 ESV
Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear.