Hilarious Giving

Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or
under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. (2 Corinthians 9:7)

Some translators point out that the word we translate here as
“cheerful” often means “hilarious.” I love that God loves a hilarious
giver. It’s someone so overcome with the delight of giving
that they laugh in their generosity. In my mom’s family, when we
start laughing, it often brings tears to our eyes. We call them Crumrin
tears (my mom’s maiden name). Don’t you love the picture of
someone laughing to the point of tears as they write out a check?
That might be carrying it a bit far, but it really is the perspective
on giving from heaven’s viewpoint. It’s the believer who has decided,
under the direction of the Spirit, to give a great amount for a cause.
It becomes a hilarious action. It’s more than they can afford and
doesn’t make sense financially. But since it’s all God’s anyway, let’s
write the check and laugh. Maybe even laugh until we cry!
The Easter Seals Rehabilitation Center in Evansville, Indiana,
excitedly anticipates a call from an old friend during the month
between Thanksgiving and Christmas. Last year Terry Haynie,
vice president of development, answered the call on a typical
workday on November 30. “Do you know what time of year it is?”
a mischievous-sounding male voice asked. This question signals
the start of a mysterious annual treasure hunt. “Yes, sir,” Haynie
replied. “It’s Pete’s time!”
Every year the caller, who identifies himself only as Pete, phones
the center with a clue-filled message that sends the staff on a search
of the two-story building and its grounds to find Pete’s donation
to children with disabilities. In the past, this “Secret Santa” has
stashed money in a snowman cookie jar and attached it to candy
canes hung from a tree by the parking lot. More recently, his instructions
led staff members out the door, around to the back of
the building, and toward a dumpster. There they found a gift bag
containing a miniature tin Christmas tree dangling 30 crisp $100
bills from its branches. At the sight of the treasure, the staff mem43
bers always applaud, wave, and yell, “Thank you, Pete!” with the
hope he is watching.
Since 1990, Pete has donated nearly $65,000 to the center,
which serves 5,000 adults and children in need of physical and
medical rehabilitation in a 30-county stretch of Indiana, Illinois,
and Kentucky. Pete asks only that his gifts help the children served
by the center. “He always says to use his gifts to make Christmas
merrier for the kids whose families can’t afford it,” Haynie reports.
Last year, 70 children got new clothes and toys because of Pete.
And every year, his donation comes with a note on purple paper
that promises, “You will hear from me again!” That’s hilarious
giving—and God loves it!

Prayer Points
• Ask the Lord to make you a cheerful giver.
• Pray that the Lord will make it clear how you are to give, even
to the exact amounts.

My Prayer
Lord, how delightful it is to give as You give. Please make me a
cheerful giver, a hilarious giver. I want to laugh as I write checks
bigger than I should be able to write. I thank You for not pressing
in on me through compulsion or guilt. You have set me free to give
in a way that blesses others and honors Your name.

Excerpted from “The Giving Church” by Dave Butts, and is used by permission of PrayerShop Publishing.