Megan Evans, Women’s Ministry Director, LHBC

John 5:39-40  (NLT)

“You search the Scriptures because you think they give you eternal life.  But the scriptures point to me!  Yet you refuse to come to me to receive this life.”

Why do you read the Bible? Have you ever stopped to think about that?  Does knowing more scripture make us a better Christian?  Is reading the Bible just something you are supposed to do? Maybe at times you’ve even felt that the Bible was boring.  Don’t miss it– the Bible is so much more! The religious leaders of Jesus’s day knew the scriptures inside and out, yet they missed the message.  Is it possible that we too sometimes focus on religious practice rather than the life-giving message of Jesus? Knowledge of words rather than getting to know the Living Word? Seeking religion rather than true heart change?  

Jesus called out these leaders in John 5.  He emphatically told them that while they tirelessly followed the law, they had missed the whole point.  They refused to believe that Jesus was God’s Son.  They would not believe Jesus was the long-awaited Messiah.  They had even created unnecessary rules to follow scripture. They had failed to see the forest for the trees.  Jesus told them, “the scriptures point to me!”  

If we are honest, we also miss the point at times.  And the words of Jesus in John 5:39-40 serve as a good reset to why we read the Bible; It’s not just so we can check off our quiet time from our daily to-do list. It’s not just about attending a Bible study or getting a weekly assignment done.  Reading the Bible is about breathing in life, joy, and peace (John 15:11) and about letting the Holy Spirit direct, teach, and correct us. God uses Scripture to prepare and equip us (2 Timothy 3:16-17).  The Word of God is alive and powerful (Hebrews 4:12).  It protects us (Ephesians 6:17).  

Why do we settle for our own voice or the voices of the world instead of going to God?  It is amazing to think that the Almighty God wants to spend time with us and actually desires to communicate with each of us.  And we can go to God any time we want!  We are welcome in His presence (Hebrews 4:16). God wants to teach us His amazing and triumphant story, woven from beginning to end with the thread of Christ. He wants to weave His victorious story into ours.  

With search engines at our fingertips, it becomes easier and easier to search the internet for answers and opinions rather than read the Bible and pray. With our busy lifestyles, it can be easy for routine and religion to rob our relationship with Christ. Reset your purpose today.  Jesus says, “the Scriptures point to me!


Father God, thank you for giving me Your Word and for sending Jesus, the incarnate Word, to die for my sins.  Reset my purpose in all I do.  Let my focus be on Jesus.  Forgive me for the times I have just checked reading the Bible off my list.  It is a privilege and a pleasure to sit in your presence and read your Word.  May I tarry just a little longer soaking up your message today.  In Jesus’ Name, Amen.