Blake Allen, Dunbar Cave Campus Pastor LHBC

Proverbs 28:14

14 Happy is the one who is always reverant, but the one who hardens his heart falls into trouble. 

Who is that person in your life that you just cannot stand? Does someone come to mind when you think of an enemy, adversary, or someone you just want to drop kick in the name of Jesus? Well, don’t do that… There is no need to go Randy Savage on someone, especially as a Christian. 

The Bible tells us we will do one of two things when it comes to dealing with our enemies. We will either follow God’s plan or choose the flesh. Both have outcomes that are very different. Both affect not only the other person, but us as well. We will either revere the Lord and His commands, or we will harden our hearts. 


When we revere God and live for Him, we have joy. Joy comes from the Lord. He is the source of joy. We are most joyful when we serve the Lord and His purpose. He takes care of us. He provides for us. He speaks life into our circumstances. He offers us new mercies everyday. He is kind and generous towards us. He strengthens us. So, why would we not draw near to the Lord each and every day. If we are going to have joy over anxiety, anger, depression, fear, worry, etc. then we must wake up with an attitude of worship and revere the Lord. It is amazing how much different life looks when we are drawing near to the Lord.The word of God says the result of this is a state of happiness. Nobody should be able to steal our joy. No matter the offense, we must go to God and ask Him to soften our hearts. Only then will our enemies become powerless over our lives and peace can begin to work its way in our hearts. Only then can restoration take place. 

Hardened hearts

When you recognize your position before the Lord as a great sinner in need of a great savior, it is hard to keep a hardened heart towards someone. How many times have we rebelled against God and received a kindhearted response from God Himself? He has forgiven us time and time again and calls us to forgive. The result of unforgiveness is trouble according to this verse. The biggest warning He gives us is this: If you do not forgive others, your sins will not be forgiven (John 20:23). Forgiveness is a sign we understand the Gospel and have received salvation. To know Christ died for us and forgives us challenges us to imitate Christ and forgive (Ephesians 5). 

Are you harboring bitterness or worshipping the Lord in reverence? Who do you need to call or text today and seek peace with? I have heard it said before, “the most influential person in your life is the person you have not forgiven.” I will add to that this: the person that should be the most influential person in your life is Jesus, the one who has forgive you.


Lord,help us to forgive others as you have forgiven us, Amen.


Revelation 3:20- Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and eat with him, and he with me.