Derek Smith

Lead Pastor 

Luke 2:19 

But Mary treasured up all these things, pondering them in her heart.

Merry Christmas! As the old song says, “It’s the most wonderful time of the year!” This is the time we celebrate Jesus taking on flesh and coming to earth to dwell among us. Immanuel, God with us! He is our Wonderful Counselor, Prince of Peace, Almighty God, and Everlasting Father! There will be no end to His government or of peace when we comes again to reign as King! Today as you celebrate with your family, I challenge you to read the Christmas account together. Luke 2:1-20 speaks of the very day when the virgin Mary gave birth to the Son of God. We see a trip to Bethlehem, a young couple shunned, a baby born where animals reside and wrapped in cloths meant for sacrificial lambs, angels appear to some lowly shepherds, and all these worship in amazement at the newborn Messiah. Scripture tells us that Mary pondered on all the events and all the wonder of that day and treasured those things deep within her heart. Today we are going to eat good food, spend time with family and open gifts that we have spent our treasure on. May we not get caught up in the busyness of it all and forget to TREASURE CHRIST! What a wonder that God Himself would come to die for us! Some skeptics ask why God doesn’t intervene in our broken world if He is so good? The answer is HE DID! He did step into our world, and He did meet the greatest need of mankind: SALVATION FROM OUR SIN! That is what Christmas is all about! So, enjoy the day today with your family and when the day slows down, take some time to read the story and just ponder on how good God really is.