Derek Smith 

Lead Pastor 

Psalm 46:10

Be still, and know that I am God. I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth!

In our house haircuts are a big deal. We have 5 children, 4 of which are boys, and we decided that instead of paying for haircuts every 4-6 weeks for all our boys we would just buy some electric clippers and cut their hair ourselves. So, about once a month we line them all up and go to town! My wife even cuts my hair at the same time. Now, whenever you’re getting your haircut you have to sit real still so that the barber doesn’t mess it up. Needless to say that boys don’t always follow this advice! There have been multiple times that one or more of our boys have left my barber’s chair with a buzz cut because they got a little too antsy!

Don’t we do the same thing to the Lord? Instead of sitting still and resting in Him we want to get up and do things ourselves. We have more pressing matters than just reading our Bible and praying….so we think. We really want to get up and go instead of giving him control. The Lord tells the Psalmist here to just be still and know He is God. Know that He’s got this! Instead of trying to get up and do it all yourself and botching it all up, just sit and let the Lord have his way. That’s what devotional time with the Lord is all about. It’s about sitting and listening to His voice, meditating on His Word, and following His guidance. Just sit in His barber chair a little while and let Him talk to you. Listen and apply what He tells you. He is our eternal, all-powerful, all-knowing, holy and gracious God. He’s not going to mess this up, and there’s nothing more important right now than resting in His Presence!