Megan Evans, Women’s Ministry Director, LHBC

Exodus 17:15 (ESV)

Moses built an altar there and named it Yahweh-Nissi (which means “the Lord is my banner”).

Can a school gym teach us about Jesus?  Well maybe not the empty wrappers and bleacher seats, but there’s one item that points to a Name of God.  If you look up to the ceiling, you are likely to see pennants hanging above to commemorate past wins of previous district, regional, and maybe even state championships. These banners hang proudly over home teams reminding them of past victories and spurring the players’ confidence to win again.  They also remind opposing teams just who it is they are dealing with—“caution you are entering victorious ground.”  

I have lost count of the number of gyms and the various schools, towns, and states in which I have cheered for my children and their teammates, but all it seemed had banners raised.  Even if the last championship won was in 1974! It still hung proudly and so did the promise of victory once again.  

It is easy to fold up our wins and cling to our losses when we don’t remember victories.  It’s also easy to forget who marches ahead of us every single day.  Just like banners, victories come in all shapes and sizes. Knowing “the LORD is my banner,” we can live daily in this joy.    

When our banner is the Lord, we don’t have to ever worry that we are a losing team or that our glory days are over.  In fact, every single day we can get excited that the best is yet to come! O Lord, that I would start my day with victory mindset. 

After God delivered the Israelites from Egyptian slavery, He led them through the parted waters of the Red Sea.  In addition, He made bitter water sweet, and fed them manna.  Then God promised to fight for them as they made their way to the Promised Land.  First stop was the Amalekites and God was ready for their attack:  

While the people of Israel were still at Rephidim, the warriors of Amalek attacked them. Moses commanded Joshua, “Choose some men to go out and fight the army of Amalek for us. Tomorrow, I will stand at the top of the hill, holding the staff of God in my hand” (Exodus 17:8-9).  

As long as Moses held up the staff, the Israelites were winning and only when his hands grew tired and he lowered the staff did the Amalekites begin to prevail.  With rocks propping up his arms, Moses held the staff high and Amalek and his army were defeated.  Moses built an altar and named it Yahweh-Nissi.  

God was delivering, redeeming, providing, leading, and loving them. He does the same for you and me. 

God never stopped fighting for the Israelites, and it was only when they lost their banner mentality and turned away from God that they began the wandering in the wilderness.  Are you in the midst of a battle today?  Don’t take your eyes off God!  Keep showing up, keep trusting, and keep marching.  Raise your banner high—remember Yahweh-Nissi and praise His Name in the midst.  Remember what God has done for His people, praise Him for what He is doing even now, and let your heart swell with the joy of the best that is yet to come.  

What area of your life today needs the reminder that the LORD is your banner?


Father God, life is hard, but praise Your matchless name that you lead me into victory by your strength, purpose, and promise.  I will trust in You this day.  In Jesus Name, Amen.  


1 Samuel 30:6b

But David strengthened himself in the Lord his God.