Megan Evans, Women’s Ministry Director, LHBC

Philippians 4:6-7
6 Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.7 And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

Anxiety…Daily life might find us here, but it’s not where we were meant to stay! God tells us not to be anxious about anything, but instead to pray about everything.  Do we?  

In this “instant,” “now” world, we want a quick on and off switch for our problems, but in our rush we will miss the blessing of walking with Jesus in our low places.  He is there in the rough waves and the calm, and this includes our head and heart.

Our minds are great at thinking about problems, ruminating, and dwelling on the what-ifs. Emotion comes naturally for our human heart.  What doesn’t come naturally is resting and trusting God with the things we can’t understand.  Perhaps that is why peace is listed in the fruit of the Spirit (Galatians 5:22).  We need God’s power and presence to experience it and cultivate it into our daily life.  

We can’t experience peace on our own, but we try sometimes.  True peace isn’t found by reaching deep within ourselves or calming all the chaos around us. God calls us to pray and listen to HIM instead of ourselves, others, and the corners of the internet.  Prayer calls us to pause and seek God first—and that takes self-control in today’s fast world!

Verse 7 reminds us that the peace of God goes way beyond anything we can comprehend and even protects us.  This means that we can still experience God’s peace even when we are bewildered, frustrated, and confused.  It means that even in a world that oftentimes makes no sense, we can still enjoy God’s peace. 

God invites us to run to Him in all situations, and let our worries shape into prayers as we tell God all about it and ask Him for help.  I love that this verse also tenderly points us to thanksgiving.  This is so important because as we thank God for what He has already done we are reminded of His character and His promises.  Peace floods our heart when we remember the good He has already done in this world and in our lives, and that God will finish what He started. 

Is it possible to find joy in the midst of anxiety? The Bible says YES!  Really pray. Talk, cry out, call upon, and trust. Thank. Rejoice. When we do, it is then that we experience the peace of God.  

Father God, comfort me today as I pray over my mind.  Keep a vigilant watch over my head and heart. Keep stray thoughts of worry out and let me focus on you instead. Throughout this day, calm my racing heart and bring joy and peace to my soul.  My peace is found in you alone.  In Jesus Name, Amen.  

Psalm 66:5- Come and see what God has done:
    he is awesome in his deeds toward the children of man.