Todd Johnson

Family Pastor

Psalm 100:4

“Enter his gates with thanksgiving, and his courts with praise! Give thanks to him; bless his name!”

Happy Thanksgiving! I just love this verse and it always makes me think of the song we would sing in my church in Jackson, MS where I grew up. I have so much to be thankful for this year: my boys, my job, my new house, my health, my friends, and I could list many more. I have had some rough times this year, but I am choosing to let the Lord teach me and grow me from those experiences. When I read this verse, I can’t help but feel joy in my heart and the love of Jesus in my life.

We are called to praise our Savior. Something that I need to do a better job with is spending quality time worshiping the Lord, giving Him thanks for all that He has done and will do in my life. An easy thing to do is when you are in your car driving to work or running errands, play some of your favorite worship songs and just sing your praises to the Lord. Let the words resonate with your soul and truly sing them to Him. Let the Lord know how you feel and how grateful you are for what He is doing in your life. I would encourage you to take some time with your family today and let everyone share something they are thankful for this year. When everyone has shared, close your time together with prayer and give God all of the glory!