Blake Allen, Dunbar Cave Campus Pastor, LHBC

Ephesians 5:15-17

“Look carefully then how you walk, not as unwise but as wise, making the best use of the time, because the days are evil. Therefore do not be foolish, but understand what the will of the Lord is.”

The reformer Martin Luther once said this: “there is not enough time to get everything I need done so I must spend an hour more in prayer.” You would think that Martin Luther could have used that hour to get more done. But for him, he could not accomplish all his tasks apart from the power of and dependency upon God. And while the tasks are many, to God, they are mini. And with His help, we can accomplish anything!

We have all said or heard it said that, “there is not enough time to get everything done.” Many may say I don’t have time to do my quiet time. Or, I don’t have time to witness to others. Or, I don’t have time to serve. Or, I don’t have time to fix this or do that… It may feel that way at times but it’s not about time as much as it is about priority. We make time for the things that are important to us. While we could all use “more time” in a day the reality is God thought a 24hr day was sufficient. So, what do we prioritize? Here are a few things we should prioritize:

Prioritize Your Relationship with Jesus

This past week at service, you may have been challenged with this question: What is the center of your life? Does life revolve around you or does it revolve around Jesus–who by the way kind created you for His purposes (Ephesians 2:10; Colossians 1:15-20), not your own. Our purpose of existence is to know God and make Him know, to love God and love people. We were made for His purposes and agenda. Are you prioritizing your relationship with Jesus? 

We are called to grow in the knowledge of His will and spiritual understanding (Colossians 1:1-14). We must never be content where we are in our walk of faith. Just like a body builder is hungry for gainsl, just like a business person is hungry for new opportunities, just like a hunter is hungry for fried backstrap, we should always be hungry for the word of God! And like Martin Luther, you are powerless to handle life’s challenges if you are not plugged into your source of power, the word of God. 

Prioritize the Gospel

The challenge for all believers in Christ Jesus is the Great Commission mandate. God said Go. Our flesh says stay. God said proclaim the good news. Our flesh says be silent. God says make disciples. Our flesh says being kind is enough. The questions for us is which voice are we listening to? 

We must prioritize the gospel because that is what Jesus did. In Luke 4, after healing many many people, Jesus sought a desolate place to be alone. Translation: Jesus was peopled out for the day. And yet, people continued to seek Him out and found Him. It says they would have kept Him from leaving them but He told them this: “I must preach the good news of the kingdom of God to the other towns as well; for I was sent for this purpose.” 

While Jesus showed compassion by healing physically, His primary purpose for coming was to heal people spiritually. While doing both, He always kept the main thing (the gospel) the main thing. 

Prioritize Your Family 

What I mean by this is not some legalistic order like: Jesus first, family second, and work third. I used to think this way until I thought this: shouldn’t it be Jesus in your family, in your work, in your school, in your business, etc.? We should never categorize Jesus as first but then separate Him from these other things. What I mean by prioritize your family is this: you should never sacrifice your family at the altar of success, business, work, advancement, personal development, hobbies, passions, fried backstrap, etc. 

The first institution God created was the family. No surprise then when we learn in Genesis 1 that this is the first thing Satan attacks–which by the way, Adam was present when the serpent came to his wife and he did not cut the head off of it. He failed to protect his family as the serpent lured Eve. Don’t let satan lure your family away from God, the church, the word of God, quality time, etc. Don’t let him lure your family to distance, unresolved disagreements, busyness over quality time, a workaholic lifestyle, escapism, shutting one another out, etc. 

Prioritize Your Time

What needs to be cut from your schedule and agenda so that you can be freed up to do what’s most important? 

What bad habits need to die so that you can be more intentional with the time you are given by God? 

He tells us the days are short. How are you going to spend these short days? For some, the answer is live it up now. This is what Paul calls foolish. He says because of this, watch your walk and seek God’s will. There is limited time for you to be a light on this earth. There is limited time for your buddy to be saved. There is limited time you have with your family. 

Make the most of your time. 


Dear Heavenly Father, I pray we would make the most of our time, knowing the biggest investment we can make is in your kingdom. I pray we would take advantages of the opportunities you give us now while we have time. Thank you for all you have done. In Jesus’ name, amen!


Romans 5:1- Therefore, since we have been justified by faith, we[a] have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ.