Irvin Wasswa

Tylertown Campus Pastor

Isaiah 26:4

Trust in the Lord forever,

    for the Lord God is an everlasting rock.

I remember it like it was yesterday. I was on a mission trip during my junior year of high school in Arkansas, working on putting some metal tin on the roof of a dormitory there in the church camp. I was working with the camp preacher, and he was responsible for ensuring the ladder was secure as I finished the roof work. As I finished I asked him if the ladder was latched so I could step down. He shared that it was. As I stepped down from the 12 ft roof, the ladder slid down and I helplessly fell off the roof onto the ground. Thankfully I landed on soft dirt and didn’t hurt myself. However, I remember thinking- It’s going to be hard to trust that dude again because he let me down! 

Friends- There is some good news today: There is One whom we can place our full trust in because He will never let us down. Though you may have trust issues with folks on this earth, their is a God in Heaven whom we can place our hope and trust in. Hallelujah! That is what Isaiah is talking about here in Isaiah 26:4. Though judgment was coming, though the foreign nations were swirling, Isaiah encourages the people to trust in the Lord forever! May we choose to do the same. Trust Him with your life. Trust Him with your family. Trust Him with your finances. Trust Him always. Because He will never let you down.

‘Tis so sweet to trust in Jesus

Just to take Him at His Word

Just to rest upon His promise

Just to know, “Thus saith the Lord”

Jesus, Jesus, how I trust Him

How I’ve proved Him o’er and o’er

Jesus, Jesus, precious Jesus

Oh, for grace to trust Him more