Derek Smith

Lead Pastor 

Matthew 23:11 

The greatest among you shall be your servant

The story goes that Mother Teresa was attending a party full of dignitaries one evening. The guest list included presidents and statesmen from around the world. They came in their crowns and jewels and silks, while Mother Teresa wore her ever-present sari held together by a safety pin. She was engaged in conversation with a nobleman who was intrigued by her work to the poorest of the poor in Calcutta. From his vantage point, her work seemed monotonous and frustrating. He asked her if it was discouraging to not see more successes.“No, I do not become discouraged,” Mother Teresa answered. “You see, God has not called me to a ministry of success. He has called me to a ministry of mercy.”

The world says success is money, possessions, accolades, accomplishments, and applause, but Jesus said the greatest among you will be your servant. The very purpose of our existence on this earth is to know Jesus and make Him known through selfless lives of service to others. The most miserable people in the world are those who expect to be served instead of serving. The call of the Christian life is not to consume but to contribute to God’s Kingdom work through giving, serving, and inviting. What about you? Is serving God and serving others what gets you out of bed in the morning, or is your life just a pursuit of comfort, convenience, and material things? Is life all about what you are entitled to, or is it all about who you are indebted to? As the old hymn says “Jesus paid it all; all to Him I owe.” Commit yourself this day to be a contributor to God’s work not simply a consumer of it. True greatness is expressed through service.