Blake Allen

Dunbar Cave Campus Pastor 

Matthew 28:16-18

16 The eleven disciples traveled to Galilee, to the mountain where Jesus had directed them. 17 When they saw him, they worshiped, but some doubted. 18 Jesus came near and said to them, “All authority has been given to me in heaven and on earth. 

There is a story told about a substitute teacher. Most of the time, he had good classes. Sometimes he had bad classes. But one day, he had a horrible experience. Kids were running around the room, throwing paper wads, screaming and yelling. One kid ran out the side door into the courtyard and came back in tracking mud all over the classroom. The teacher thought that was the day he started losing his hair!

But all of a sudden, the principal shows up! It gets really quiet. He said to the teacher “Who are the five biggest troublemakers?” He could have easily picked out ten troublemakers. But he picked out five. The principal points a thick finger at the five kids and says “Come with me!” The teacher never had another problem with that class. Something about the authority of the principal changed the direction, attitude, and character of those five children.

When we come under the authority of Jesus our attitudes, character, and direction of life radically changes. When we had authority over our lives, we ran it how we wanted. We lived for us. Life was about our plans and dreams. But when we give our lives to the Lord, He controls and directs our lives. Life becomes about His wants and desires. We submit control and authority over our life, and we gladly follow Jesus. And now we live life under His authority.