Irvin Wasswa- Tylertown Campus Pastor LHBC

Job 42:1-2

Then Job answered the Lord and said: 

“I know that You can do all things and that no purpose of yours can be thwarted.”

One of my favorite songs here lately is a worship song called Never Lost. The bridge and the chorus of the song goes like this: 

Bridge: Right now, I know You’re able

My God, come through again

Chorus: You can do all things

You can do all things but fail

‘Cause You’ve never lost a battle

No, You’ve never lost a battle

And I know, I know You never will

The song speaks to the reality of the God of the universe. He is the undisputed, undefeated champion of the universe. Exodus 15:3 calls the Lord a Mighty Warrior who fought the battles of the people of Israel. Jeremiah 20:11 says that the Lord is with us like a mighty warrior! He conquered the enemy nations in the Old Testament, but even greater than that He conquered death when Jesus rose from the Grave after going to the Cross (1 Corinthians 15). Hallelujah! God can do all things!

The man of God named Job speaks to this reality in Job 42. As you may know Job was a man of God who walked with Him and endured some intense hardship. He literally lost everything near and dear to him but his own life. He spends the majority of the book processing what all is going on with some of his friends, then the Lord speaks. God encounters Job in chapters 38-41 and reveals Himself to Job. Job cannot help but to respond by acknowledging God’s infinite power and authority. Later in the chapter he actually chooses to repent for his ignorant words and chooses to trust in the Lord. 

Perhaps we could use the reminder of the God we follow and worship. With so much uncertainty, one thing is for certain: God is still in control and is still at work. Listen, whoever ends up in the White House, that doesn’t change God’s ability to save that lost friend. Whatever your family is going through doesn’t change God’s goodness or His ability to step in and move in your life. Because the Lord is able, we can trust HIm no matter what is going on. What does that look like for us?

1). Choose to Pray Like it Matters: At Living Hope one of our core values is prayer. We view prayer as important because we believe God can do more in a moment then we can do in a lifetime. He is able! So choose to pray for that friend like it matters. Choose to pray for that family member, that neighbor like it matters!

2). Choose to Praise Like You Mean It: There is a line in a song I heard one time that goes like this: So I will praise You on the mountain, And I will praise You when the mountain’s in my way, You’re the summit where my feet are, So I will praise You in the valleys all the same.  The Lord God is near to us (Psalm 145:18). He sees us. He cares for us. He is with us. Choose to praise Him like you mean it because in every season of life, He is able.

Today my hope is that we choose to be like Job and acknowledge that the God we serve is able, and for that reason we would choose to trust Him. 


Dear Heavenly Father, I praise You for who you are! Remind me today that You are the undefeated, undisputed champion of the universe. Remind me that You are all powerful and can do all things, and may that lead me to trust in You!  In Jesus’ name, Amen!


Isaiah 53:5- But he was pierced for our transgressions;

    he was crushed for our iniquities;

upon him was the chastisement that brought us peace,

    and with his wounds we are healed.