Justin Tucker

LHC Worship Pastor

1 Peter 4:10

Just as each one has received a gift, use it to serve others, as good stewards of the varied grace of God.

In the first epistle of Peter, chapter 4, verse 10, we are reminded of the divine truth that each of us has been bestowed with unique gifts from God. “Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms.”

Just as a master artist crafts each brushstroke with intention and skill, our Creator has endowed us with talents that are purposeful and meant to be used in service to His Church. Consider the story of one of my mentors, Ed Norman, who had an exceptional gift for playing the piano. He could have chosen to focus solely on his personal pursuits, but he recognized the greater calling to share his gift for the edification of the Church. He served in churches all over the southeast and was even the chapel pianist for Liberty University.

Ed’s devotion to his craft was undeniable, but what set him apart was his humility and eagerness to help others grow. In church gatherings, he would play the piano, creating an atmosphere of worship that touched the hearts of everyone present. He also taught music in the school system to children in the community, nurturing their talents and fostering a sense of togetherness.

From Ed’s example, we can glean several action points to apply in our lives. First, acknowledge that your talents are gifts from God, entrusted to you for His purposes. Second, cultivate a heart of humility, recognizing that your abilities are not for personal glory but for glorifying God and serving His people. Third, seek out opportunities within the Church and the community to use your gifts for the betterment of others.

As we contemplate 1 Peter 4:10, let’s remember that our gifts, whether they be in music, teaching, compassion, or any other area, are a manifestation of God’s grace. Let us faithfully steward these gifts, sharing them generously and sacrificially, just as Christ did for us. In this, we participate in the unity and growth of the Church, fulfilling our purpose as instruments of His grace.