Todd Johnson

Family Pastor

James 5:16

Therefore, confess your sins to one another and pray for one another, that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person has great power as it is working.”

Confessing sin to someone can be a scary thing. I think this is something we as Christians struggle with, being vulnerable to another believer. Why do we feel like we have to put up a perfect image and act like we don’t ever mess up? Let’s be honest, we all sin and we all need at least one close friend in our lives that we can share our struggles with. The enemy wants us to stay silent and not share the intimate parts of our lives with others. There is power for him in the secrecy. The Lord wants us to confess our sins to a fellow brother or sister in Christ who can pray with us and hold us accountable.

I am so blessed with many godly, male friends in my life that I can be real and share anything and they still love me. When I confess my sins to a brother in Christ, there is freedom in that as well as healing, just like the verse says. I have a couple of different guys that I meet with regularly and I am starting a discipleship group with three other men so we can dig into God’s word, pray for each other and live life together. Prayer is powerful and this verse reminds us of that.

Who has the Lord put in your life to be that brother/sister in Christ that you can share your “junk” with, pray with and care for each other? Having accountability in your life isn’t just a good idea, the scripture commands it. If you don’t have that person, pray that God will make it abundantly clear on who that is and then take the steps to start this kind of relationship with him/her. Find the healing that Jesus wants for you based on this verse.