Irvin Wasswa

Tylertown Campus Pastor

Psalm 143:5

I remember the days of old;

    I meditate on all that you have done;

    I ponder the work of your hands.

Moments of reflection are good for the soul. The times to be able to reunite together, fellowship, and reminisce on the good ol’ days can serve as a blessing. I believe the same thing can be said about when we choose to reflect on God’s goodness in our life. We see King David discuss this reality in Psalm 143. Amid his prayer to the Lord, he speaks to how he remembers the days of old and all the Lord has done. I wonder at that moment what all he was truly reflecting on? Perhaps he was reflecting on how as a teenager he through the power of the Lord was able to slay a giant. Maybe he was reflecting how the Lord gave him grace and strength to lead the army of Israel to many victories. Perhaps he was thinking back to the times the Lord was with him while he was on the run for his life while he was king. Whatever seasons of life he was reflecting on, we see the value of meditating on the Lord’s faithfulness in the past.

Choosing to reflect on the Lord and His faithfulness helps for us to be able to choose to worship Him in every season of life. Choosing to reflect on the Lord and all He has done allows for us to not become weary when the trouble comes knocking on the door of our heart. Hebrews 13:8 tells us that the Lord is the same yesterday, today and forever. Reflecting on the Lord and His goodness in our life allows for us to be able to remember that just as the Lord was faithful with us then, He is able to be faithful with us now. Today let us choose to remember the days of old, how God has been good in the past, and let His goodness lead to us choosing to worship Him for His goodness today!