Blake Allen

Dunbar Cave Campus Pastor 

Galatians 1:23-34

“The man who formerly persecuted us is now preaching the faith he once tried to destroy.” 24 And they praised God because of me.

What a statement to be able to make: “And they glorified God because of me.” Paul was not puffed up in the head when he said this to the Galatian believers. He was actually defending his calling and testimony. This was the guy who formerly persecuted the church and had Christians killed. But since his conversion, he has now been proclaiming the same gospel he once tried to destroy. 

Ever since his conversion, he tried to use his influence to point others to Christ. We all have influence. This could be influence at a job, with family, social media, with a friend, etc. God has given us opportunities to influence others with the gospel. 

That being said, what are you doing with that influence? When you take a deep look into your life can you say like Paul that others glorified God because of you? Because Paul witnessed to others through his testimony, many unbelievers came to know Christ as savior and glorified God as a result. Who today is praising God because of your faithfulness to share Christ with others? Who can you influence today?