Irvin Wasswa

Tylertown Campus Pastor

Romans 5:1-2

Therefore, since we have been justified by faith, we[a] have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ. 2 Through him we have also obtained access by faith[b] into this grace in which we stand, and we[c] rejoice[d] in hope of the glory of God.

Now that it is summertime here in Clarksville, I can’t help but think of my schooling days and how the last day of school was perhaps my favorite day! We only had to show up for half the day, and I remember counting down the minutes until I and my classmates were free for the summer. Once the final bell rang one year, I remember running out of the class, throwing my papers in the air, and celebrating that I was free for the summer! See, I could boast about being free for the summer because I had achieved all of the requirements necessary to move on to the next grade. My grades for the school year gave me access to a free summer, without having to go to summer school. 

The apostle Paul in Romans 5:1-2 speaks to how IN CHRIST the Christian has been justified (Made right) with God, giving them access to peace with God, access to grace, and access to be able to rejoice in the hope that is to come! Paul just finished a section of his letter highlighting how the realities of sin (Romans 1-3) and how all of mankind has fallen short of God’s perfect standard. He then highlights how because of sin, man cannot be made right with God through just following the law but can be made right with God by placing faith in Jesus Christ (Romans 3-4). Now Paul highlights what all the believer now has access to through faith in Christ. 

In Christ, we are no longer enemies of God, but friends! We are at peace with Him. In Christ, we no longer have to live in condemnation, wallowing in our guilt and shame from the past, for He has shown us abundant grace! In Christ, we too now have a BLESSED HOPE. Our best days are always in front of us! I pray that we would allow for these truths to move us to honor and worship Him with our lips and our lives this week.