Blake Allen

Dunbar Cave Campus Pastor

1 Timothy 6:7

7 For we brought nothing into the world, and we cannot take anything out of the world.

One of the most surreal moments of my life took place a couple years ago. I remember parking the car in the lot on a hot summer day; sweating because of the heat and nervous excitement. As I walked up to the double doors of the building with my family, each advancing step brought with it overwhelming feelings of happiness. I opened the door, entered the building, and made one of the biggest investments in my life. This was the day my wife and I closed on our house. 

We had spent the previous couple years working on our down payment and financial plans. We went all-in, committing to our financial goals. And when closing day came, we got a taste of the fruits of our labor. Though we celebrated one of the biggest milestones in our lives that day I left reminded of one truth: This Is Not My Home. 

What do I mean by this? When I pass away I cannot take the home I purchased with me. Sure, I can pass it on when I pass away but my biggest investment will belong to someone else who did not labor for it. The reality is my eternal dwelling place is not my current living space. Our biggest investment shouldn’t be in our homes, vehicles, boats, or any other perishing thing. Our biggest investment should be in the kingdom of God. There are two ways we should be investing in God’s kingdom. That is our time and resources. 

Your time: How do we invest in the kingdom of God? We give our schedules to Jesus. Though we have to work, eat, live, etc.; we are also called to serve, invest in the lives of others, share the gospel, assemble with other believers in the church, etc. And when we are too busy to do those things required of us by God himself, then we chose man made agendas over kingdom agendas. We become too busy for God. 

Your Resources: We can give our resources to Jesus. There is nothing we own that belongs to us ultimately. God is the author of all creation. We are just stewards of what He entrusts to us. We are called to give in light of how much God has given to us. He has given His son for us.. He has provided all we need for life. He continues to pour out His blessings upon our lives. How could we not give to God when he has given so much to us? 

Will you invest in God’s kingdom or your own kingdom?