Todd Johnson

Family Pastor

I Thessalonians 5:16-18

“Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.”

These three verses are so impactful to my life. For me to take the time to dwell on them and seek the truth of the words, reminds me of what the Lord asks me to do. He wants me to rejoice every day, all day as well as pray and give thanks in all circumstances. That seems like a lot to ask of us, doesn’t it? How do I rejoice and give thanks when I get let go of a job or lose a loved one? What does it look like to pray without ceasing?

These are great and normal questions to ask yourself when you read these verses. I can share with you how the Lord has grown me regarding rejoicing always, praying without ceasing and giving thanks in all circumstances. I have learned to choose joy…always! I still cry and get sad, but I hold on to the joy that comes from the peace of knowing my Savior and knowing that He is in control. Praying without ceasing can look different for each of us. You must learn to have a praying attitude that strives to stay in tune to the Holy Spirit. Constantly be asking the Spirit for guidance on daily decisions. The more time we spend in God’s Word, the better we know Him, which helps us in how to pray to Him.

The bottom line of these verses to me is the last part where it tells us “this is His will,” this is what He wants and expects from us. We need to learn how to make these things a daily part of our lives. Rejoice, pray, give thanks! Doing these things won’t keep us from having difficult days but it sure will help prepare you how to handle those days in a Christ-like manner. Let’s be a church who is known for praising our Savior and praying for each other. Let’s give thanks in all circumstances and encourage and build each other up in the body of Christ.